What is the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act?
This Act requires certain retailers and manufacturers doing business in California to publicly disclose their efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains. Slavery and human trafficking can take many forms, including forced labor and child labor. The purpose of this disclosure is to allow consumers to make better and more informed choices regarding the products they buy and the companies they choose to support.
Gilt recognizes and supports the Act. This support does not end with Gilt, as we expect our suppliers, to follow the values and principles set forth in our Supplier Code of Conduct, which is available on our corporate website. Further, we make the following disclosures:
- Gilt requires all suppliers to certify that their goods were not produced using prison, forced labor or child labor. We also require all suppliers to certify that their facilities provided workers with a safe and healthy work environment and that the supplier was in compliance with all occupational health, safety and environmental protection laws. Currently, although we work with suppliers that we believe are reputable and who have made the commitments identified above, we do not independently verify a supplier’s certification regarding how the products in their supply chain were produced.
- Gilt specifically reserves the right to inspect a supplier’s facilities at any time to confirm their compliance with our safety and legal standards, which includes our standards against human trafficking and slavery. We can perform this inspection our self or through a third party and may be announced or unannounced depending on the circumstances.
- Gilt requires all direct suppliers to certify that the materials in their product comply with all laws of the country where they do business, including the anti-slavery and human trafficking laws.
- Gilt holds suppliers accountable if they fail to meet our standards against slavery and human trafficking. We will cease doing business with a supplier that violates these standards.
- Gilt keeps its employees informed of the risks of human trafficking and slavery in a supply chain. Our associates are expected to conduct business in a legal and ethical manner. Failure to comply with these standards may result in disciplinary action.