Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email with your Order Information, Shipping Address, Tracking Number and Estimated Delivery Date. The email will also have a link you can click to get up to date tracking information directly from our shipping partner.
You can also check the status of your order anytime in Orders tab of Your Account. In your Order History, locate the Order you need to track, and click on Details to be brought to the Order Details page
In the Order Detail page, select the Track Order button for the item or shipment you need information on. The tracking page will give you the most up-to-date information, including Status, Location and Estimated Delivery Date.
What does my Tracking status mean?
Package Status | Meaning |
"Your package is in transit." | "In Transit" means your package is on its way to its final destination. It doesn't necessarily mean your package is in a moving vehicle like an airplane or truck. |
"Your package is out for delivery." | "Out for Delivery" means your package was scanned by a package handler and placed on a pallet to be loaded on a vehicle for delivery. |
"There is no scheduled delivery date at this time." | "No scheduled delivery date at this time" means we don't have a delivery estimate, or we don't have the package yet. You might see this status if your shipment is delayed or there's a handling exception. |
"Your scheduled delivery is now pending." | "Scheduled delivery is now pending" means the delivery date has changed based on a delay of some kind. Know that we're still doing everything we can to delivery your package as soon as possible. |
"Delivery exception." | "Delivery exception" means an unexpected event is preventing us from delivery your package. Some examples include customs delays, holiday closures, missing documentation, and security restrictions. |
"No status available." | FedEx has not taken possession of your package yet. A delivery date will be added as soon as we get your package. |
"Cancelled." | This package was cancelled by the shipper and won't show tracking information anymore. |
"At drop-off point." | This shipment has been dropped off at an authorized retail location and has not yet been received by FedEx. |
"We have your package." | This shipment has been dropped off at a FedEx Office location and is being processed. |
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